A rare way to modesty and apology in mystical prose texts

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Payam noor Khansar, Iran


Modesty is one of the moral virtues that is recommended in Quran and traditions. In many of the mystical and divine books is pointed to definition, kinds, signs, results and examples of modesty.
In some of the mystical texts for example Alloma', Resale Ghosheyriye, Mesbah o Alhedaya and Tazkerat o Aloliya' is pointed to a rare method for modesty that sometime is used for apology. As mystical texts are an important section in classical culture and literature, know these mores help to better perception of these works. One of these traditions is the strange custom that the person for apologize, resolving annoyance, respectability and humility put one side of his face on the ground and the other side wants opposite party to put his foot on it. This is considered the height of humility especially if done by someone honorable and respected. This article that was written by library and content analysis, is firstly tried to collect and analyze the most important evidences in the mystical texts and history of Islam then refer to some examples of Persian poetry and prose that are related to this custom.


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