Aims and Scope

The Journal of Prose Studies in Persian Literature (JPSPL) is an open-access peer-reviewed semiannual journal in Persian (with English extended abstracts and bibliographies) devoted to the fields of Persian literature, Persian language, Persian fiction literature, Persian non-fiction literature, Persian poetry, and Persian prose, published by the Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. It is scientifically sponsored by the Scientific Association of Persian Language and Literature of Iran. 

Aims and Scope of the Journal
The Journal of Prose Studies in Persian Literature (JPSPL) aims to:

1. Analyze and review advanced prose texts of the Persian language and literature 
2. Analyze the Persian prose texts based on original literary theories, research axes of the publication: description and explanation of the difficulties of Persian prose texts, criticism and content analysis of Persian prose texts, aesthetics, Persian prose texts, typology and literary types of Persian prose texts, stylistics of Persian prose texts, Persian prose texts and literary schools, the application of literary criticism approaches in Persian prose texts, researches related to the correction of Persian prose texts, criticism and analysis of the researches of Persian prose texts, criticism and analysis of explanations of Persian prose texts.


Coverage Scope
The Journal of Prose Studies in Persian Literature (JPSPL) publishes the highest quality original contributions dealing with:

- Persian literature
- Persian language
- Persian fiction literature
- Persian non-fiction literature
- Persian poetry
- Persian prose
- Indo-Iranian literature
- Indo-Iranian languages