Domestic Management (Ethics and Economy) in “Akhlaq-e Naseri” (Nasirean Ethics), and “Akhlaq-e Jalali” (Jalali Ethics)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

2 Associate Professor, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

3 PhD Candidate, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


Our ancestors paid special attention to didactic literature, especially the ethics, whose main subject is good and evil and focuses on the people’s behavior toward each other. The goal of ethics is to guide people toward good and beauty and prepare them for modifying personal and social behavior, a theme that is prominent in Persian prose and poetry.
Khajeh Nasiradin Tusi is one of the scholars who focused on this subject, especially in his two books of “Nasirean Ethics” and “Mohtashami Ethics”. The Nasirean Ethics inspired lots of other writers, centuries later to create works based on his books.
Another book with the subject of household management or family ethics is “Jalali Ethics” written by Jalal-al Din Davani, a 9th century scholar. The book is in fact a rewriting of Khajeh Nasir’s work and the only differences between them are in making the religious tone bolder than Khajeh’s philosophical view, its composition according to the style of his time, summarization of the book, addition of some Arabic Koranic verses and poems. The aim of this study is to review the subject of “household management” (family ethics) in these two books.


  1. فهرست منابع

    الف) کتاب­ها

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    ب) مقاله­ ها

    1. مسعودی اَرانی، عبدالله. (1391). «اخلاق جلالی». اطلاعات حکمت و معرفت. شمارۀ 82. صص 73-67.